Capto’s premise is that strategic initiative investments far too often fail to meet their operational or economic objectives. Our experience on both sides of the equation—in leading strategic roadmap investment initiatives for Global Fortune 1000 companies and in having held executive-level positions at leading service and technology providers—has taught us that the technology ecosystem must perform to higher standards of timely, predictable, value-driven performance.
We also recognized that our experience equipped us with only some of the answers. So we sought out leading academic research across disciplines ranging from supply chain to economics to technology, harvesting the best available research and thinking. We discovered valuable insights, determined where existing practices could be refined, and engaged brilliant academicians studying companies, both large and small, which were achieving high-performance results. During these formative years of Capto, we integrated these elements into the repeatable, scalable, agile approach we call SYNAPTIC that enables our clients’ IT investments to deliver impactful, predictable, and timely performance.
As a self-funded startup, we were faced with the problem of how to fund several years of thoughtful study and analysis required in order to develop the SYNAPTIC approach. Being practical above all else—and admittedly somewhat lucky—we turned to our network in the private equity world. But rather than seek investment, we went to work with them, evaluating potential technology acquisitions.
Our private equity clients and the engagements we worked on brought us our expected results: cash flow to sustain our time in the academic wilderness and the opportunity to refine SYNAPTIC in a repeatable, disciplined way through real-world engagements. But we found unexpected results as well. The business model assessment tool we developed for our private equity clients rounded out the front end of how we now engage all our clients, private equity, service providers, and the Global Fortune 1000. Very simply, in keeping with our cross-discipline approach, we bring a mergers and acquisitions framework to evaluating the business of technology, allowing us to focus on the critical, ignore the noise, and prioritize the rest.
We’re really excited that SYNAPTIC is delivering valued, lasting, and timely results for our clients. We thrive on the deep relationships we form and repeat business we receive from our clients.
Capto’s vetted SYNAPTIC methodology and data-driven toolset create investment roadmaps to improve revenue, optimize operations, and deliver outstanding consumer experiences.
As a proven and highly innovative way to help your company reimagine its strategic approach and supporting technology, SYNAPTIC takes a deep dive at the fundamental issues and identifies opportunities to resolve them.